Macos Calibre

The MacPorts Project Official Homepage

Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. It has a cornucopia of features divided into the following main categories. Calibre (stylised calibre) is a cross-platform open-source suite of e-book software. Calibre supports organizing existing e-books into virtual libraries, displaying, editing, creating and converting e-books, as well as syncing e-books with a variety of e-readers.

The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system. To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a 3-Clause BSD License, and through it easy access to thousands of ports that greatly simplify the task of compiling and installing open-source software on your Mac.

We provide a single software tree that attempts to track the latest release of every software title (port) we distribute, without splitting them into “stable” Vs. “unstable” branches, targeting mainly macOS High Sierra v10.13 and later (including macOS Big Sur v11). There are thousands of ports in our tree, distributed among different categories, and more are being added on a regular basis.

Getting started

Macos calibre

For information on installing MacPorts please see the installation section of this site and explore the myriad of download options we provide and our base system requirements.

If you run into any problems installing and/or using MacPorts we also have many options to help you, depending on how you wish to get get in touch with us. Other important help resources are our online documentation, A.K.A The MacPorts Guide, and our Trac Wiki server & bug tracker.


Latest MacPorts release: 2.6.4

Getting involved: Students

A good way for students to get involved is through the Google Summer of Code. GSoC is a program to encourage students' participation in Open Source development and offers a stipend to work on the project with an organization for three months. MacPorts has been participating in the program since 2007! We shall participate next year as well. You may find past GSoC projects here.

We have a list of ideas with possible tasks for MacPorts and additional information about the process at wiki/SummerOfCode. We are always open to new ideas. Research on the idea, draft an initial proposal and get it reviewed.

Getting involved

There are many ways you can get involved with MacPorts and peer users, system administrators & developers alike. Browse over to the “Contact Us” section of our site and:

  • Explore our mailing lists, either if it is for some general user support or to keep on top of the latest MacPorts developments and commits to our software repository.
  • Check out our Support & Development portal for some bug reporting and live tutorials through the integrated Wiki server.
  • Or simply come join us for a friendly IRC chat if you wish for more direct contact with the people behind it all.

Calibre Macos 10.14


If on the other hand you are interested in joining The MacPorts Project in any way, then don't hesitate to contact the project's management team, “PortMgr”, to explain your particular interest and present a formal application. We're always looking for more helping hands that can extend and improve our ports tree and documentation, or take MacPorts itself beyond its current limitations and into new areas of the vast software packaging field. We're eager to hear from you!

Macos Calibri


Sigil-1.5.1 represents a mix of bug fixes and new features for both epub2 and epub3 users.


  • Can now handle single xhtml file sizes over 2megabytes in size via its own URL Schemehandler
  • Will now highlight matched open close tag pairs while editing in Code View
  • Delete open close tag pairs (Remove Tag Pair)
  • Default selection of text for basic CodeView formatting including bold, italic, etc based on cursor position
  • Shift double-click (and Alt double-click) on a tag to select tag contents (including tag)
  • Expanded split on Sigil Split Marker capabilities to work better with nested tags
  • Added a new C++ CSS Parser and Query engine that works with Sigil’s version of Gumbo
  • The Reports tool for “CSS Selectors” now lists all CSS selectors not just classes
  • The “Delete Unused Styles” tool now handles all unused CSS Selectors not just classes
  • The Reports for “CSS Selectors” and “Delete Unused Selectors” now handle selectors in XHTML Style tags
  • Added ability to load text and csv files to Group Saved Searches to automate lists of replacements
  • Reworked the Metadata Editor to be much more Human Readable with tooltips to show xml tags
  • Added semantic code to the descriptive field in Add Semantics as a learning aid (Thank You BeckyEbook!)
  • Checkpoint ManageRepos now has the ability to sort the repo table by any column (Thank You BeckyEbook!)
  • The Sigil User Guide has be completely reworked to bring it to Sigil 1.5.0+ levels

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix issue with custom ncx names in non-standard empty epub layouts
  • Fix Import Text to properly add ncx if missing for epub2
  • Fix issue with “Delete Unused Styles” not properly detecting all used selectors
  • Fix issues with repeated use of Mend and Prettify on bare text in structural tags
  • Fix extra line issue with Link to Stylesheet (Thank you BeckyEBook!)
  • Fix bug in id assignment in EPUB3 Metadata editor
  • Fix bug in trailing slash in Move To Folder paths
  • Fix bug in spelling of Columbia->Colombia in Languages (Thank you Tex2002ans!)
  • Fix bug in Clip Editor pasting of multiple clips
  • Fix bug in PerformCSSUpdates related to quoted string in content: values
  • Fix bug related to iframe handling when loading Preview
  • Fix typos in XMLEntities descriptions (Thank you BeckEbook!)
  • Fix numeric table alignment to align right in multiple tables (Thank you BeckyEbook!)
  • Fix bug in Add Existing not properly using QProgressDialog for long import
  • Removed long deprecated and now invalid use of “altlang” in EPUB3 Metadata Editor

Please check the Sigil Wiki for important Sigil support links, additional resource downloads, and platform-specific trouble-shooting tips/requirements.

Mac users should still download and install ActiveState’s ActiveTcl Community Edition to utilize plugins that use Tk/Tcl GUIs. More here. Mac users should also check out the wiki entry on the New Release File Format

The latest Sigil user guide can always be downloaded from its own repository.

The binary downloads (and source) can be found as assets at the bottom of The Sigil Github Release page.

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