Blackfriday Markdown

Using html or javascript or enable BlackFriday.hrefTargetBlank

Blackfriday is a Markdown processor implemented in Go. It is paranoid about its input (so you can safely feed it user-supplied data), it is fast, it supports common extensions (tables, smart punctuation substitutions, etc.), and it is safe for all utf-8 (unicode) input.HTML output is currently supported, along with Smartypants extensions. As a way of saying thanks we are offering 20% off your order + free shipping with code: BLACKFRIDAY. Code can be entered at checkout! Have a safe and happy. Blackfriday: a markdown processor for Go. Black friday watch online hight quality video.

I would prefer for external links to open in new tab while internal links open within the same tab.

How to create links in Hugo content markdown

Internal links

Usually we use ref (absolute full link) and relref (relative link) to create links. The nice things about using this shortcode is that it will auto resolve the full path using just the slug.

Sample output of the above markdown:

External links

Standard markdown syntax for links are supported.

Link target=’_blank’ support for external link


Blackfriday Markdown

The easiest method is to use HTML directly for external link.

BlackFriday markdown

You can configure BlackFriday markdown to enable hrefTargetBlank where all external links shall be generated with target='_blank'.

Black friday markdown date

Add the following configuration to config.toml.

The problem with using this method is that internal links generated using rel and refrel shall have target='_blank' attribute as well (Issue #2424).

Github Flavored Markdown Parser

Blackfriday MarkdownBlackfriday

Black Friday Markdown Time

For internal links, use standard markdown syntax for links or reference link.

Sample output of the above markdown:


You can use javascript to detect all external links and add target='_blank' attribute to them.


Some variety of markdown support the following syntax, but not supported in Hugo/BlackFriday.


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Blackfriday markdown cheat sheet
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A dream boy who enjoys making apps, travelling and gardening. Follow me on @d_luaz.

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